Continental’s tire management system, ContiConnect, is out with its 2.0 version, e.g. the new generation refined by the German company in order to keep it in line with the specific requirements of fleet operators around the world. ContiConnect 2.0 will allow maintenance of tires – on passenger cars, trucks, buses and off-road vehicles – to be carried out exactly when it is needed.

ContiConnect 2.0: improved user experience

«With ContiConnect 2.0, we are building on existing functions such as continuous tire pressure monitoring to also enable our fleet customers to digitally track the remaining mileage, tread depth, and condition of all the tires in their fleets», commented Sven Wilhelmsen, Head of Product Management Digital Solutions at Continental Tires. Compared to the previous version of the system, the user experience has been significantly improved, now covering all the work taking place on the vehicle and presents the fleet manager with the information relevant to them in an even more precisely targeted form.

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All of the available data on the tire and vehicle is continuously analyzed in the cloud. Big data therefore makes it possible to issue precise tire condition forecasts. Vehicle and tire services can be coordinated and aligned with one another to optimum effect, which creates synergies and seamless links to workshops and dealers. According to Continental, the result is increased fleet efficiency, lower overall costs and reassurance for fleet managers that their vehicles will be ready to use more of the time. ContiConnect 2.0 has been trialed successfully by a selected group of customers since late 2021, and the new platform will be rolled out worldwide over the course of 2022.


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