Everfuel will build hydrogen station for heavy-duty mobility in Vordingbord (Denmark)
Vordingborg is a part of the Trans European Transport Network (TEN-T) which includes the most important connections and links the most important nodes across the European Union. The importance of the location will grow in the coming years, in particular with the Fehmarn Belt, and securing the location for a station now is the foresight needed to build a sustainable infrastructure for mobility.

Everfuel has secured the location for a refuelling station that will serve the increasing heavy-duty mobility and help establish Vordingborg as a logistics hub. It is a strategically very important site, as it is close to the highway. In fact, Vordingborg is under rapid development and will continue to grow even faster in the coming years, especially within mobility and logistics. Once the Fehmarn Belt is connecting the road transport between Denmark and Germany, many heavy-duty trucks will be passing through Vordingborg. In order to offer a climate-friendly alternative to trucks powered by fossil-fuels, Everfuel builds a hydrogen station to accommodate the need for emission-free and fast fuelling.
Everfuel in Vordingborg, a central hub in the TEN-T
Indeed, Everfuel is pushing on hydrogen development in the Scandinavian countries, and Denmark in particular. Vordingborg is a part of the Trans European Transport Network (TEN-T) which includes the most important connections and links the most important nodes across the European Union. The importance of the location will grow in the coming years, in particular with the Fehmarn Belt, and securing the location for a station now is the foresight needed to build a sustainable infrastructure for mobility.
«Working with Vordingborg Municipality and Business Vordingborg on this project has been a real pleasure, as they are willing to walk the green talk by making the shift toward fossil-free mobility. We are excited to having the location secured and we look forward to serving both passenger vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles. We will work with Vordingborg to continuously decarbonise transportation at scale», commented Lars Jakobsen, Sales Director at Everfuel.
New Chairperson of the board appointed
Additionally, during the Annual General Meeting held by Everfuel at the end of April, Søren Eriksen was appointed Chairperson of the board. Eriksen has in-depth experience as CFO and CEO of large Danish companies (such as TDC and DSB) and from private equity and consulting within renewable energy, technology and energy transition. He replaces Mogens Filtenborg, who stepped down from the board.