Based on a modular electronics architecture and accompanied by a range of new safety features, the new Scania digital dashboard, namely Smart Dash, provides “daily digital support for drivers and operators”. Furthermore, the new electrical system architecture is compliant with the EU’s new General Safety Regulation and the UN’s new cyber-security regulations.

In fact, the new EU General Safety Regulations will make various safety-oriented features mandatory for heavy commercial vehicles from July 2024. In addition, the new regulations, UNECE R155 and R156, will also apply to cyber-security technologies, aiming at pre-venting and mitigating tampering with vehicles. Scania has developed a new electrical system architecture, common for both trucks and buses. This new architecture enables smarter and quicker communication, cyber security at an even higher level and complies with the new demands.


The introduction of the new Scania digital dashboard

“For Scania, these new demands coincide with our ambition for creating a solutions-oriented architecture that supports our customers on their digitalisation journey,” said Stefan Dorski, Senior Vice President, Head of Scania Trucks. “The next level of premium experiences in the trucking industry will focus a lot on the kind of connected functionality in and around the truck we offer. Over-the-air updates and smart services on demand will create new opportunities for Scania customers and make their operations safer and more profitable with increased uptime and efficiency.”

“What our customers will experience in Smart Dash-equipped vehicles is the palpable part of Scania’s next level offer and ambition regarding digitalisation, connectivity and safety. It all boils down to enabling outstanding user experiences when combining Scania vehicles and our digital services and solutions, he added. The next level of premium experiences in the trucking industry will focus a lot on the kind of connected functionality in and around the truck we offer. Over-the-air updates and smart services on demand will create new opportunities for Scania customers and make their operations safer and more profitable with increased uptime and efficiency.”


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