Beyond electric trucks: PACCAR launches Power Solutions package to support energy transition
This new department offers DAF and other customers a comprehensive range of tailored products and services, designed to support transport operators in making the energy transition.

PACCAR Parts is introducing PACCAR Power Solutions. This new department offers DAF and other customers a comprehensive range of tailored products and services, designed to support transport operators in making the energy transition.
What is PACCAR Power Solutions
PACCAR Power Solutions starts by assessing factors such as fleet size, vehicle application, charging schedules, peak energy demands, energy rates, and potential surpluses from self-generated electricity. Also grid capacity is part of the first assessment. can fully manage the implementation of their recommendations, even if the design includes a comprehensive ‘microgrid’, featuring solar panels, a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), advanced Energy Management Systems (EMS), and high-speed chargers.
“After this analysis, we align the customer’s ambitions, needs, and expectations with the latest insights and technologies,” said Michael van Rijen, Head of PACCAR Power Solutions. “Our solutions are robust, tailored-made, cost-efficient, and ready for the future. These can be prepared to automatically trade self-generated solar energy or allow customers to sell their self-generated and on-site stored energy at competitive rates to others”.