According to the Swedish manufacturer, Scania Smart Dash represents the latest advance in human and machine interface solutions for driver stations in heavy trucks. Its modular build and latest digital solutions ensure that Scania trucks offer a secure, connected and comforting atmosphere behind the wheel.

“Apart from great overview and endless opportunities to individualise the driver station, our Smart Dash is also the leverage for increased communication and digitalisation in and around the truck,” commented Stefan Dorski, Senior Vice President and Head of Scania Trucks. “Scania trucks can now be closely integrated with everything from the fleet management system to the actual driving environment and an array of cloud-based services for improved safety, uptime and productivity.”

Scania Smart Dash with a double display

The Smart Dash driver station always includes two displays: the Driver Display in front of the driver and the Centre Information Display. The driver can give input via the touch screen, by pushing buttons or by voice steering. Scania has settled for a balanced mix between physical and digital controls, steering away from the common mistake of hiding vital functions one or two levels down in a menu.

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Scania’s latest truck generation offers many safety functions as standard when sold on European markets. Other functions are optional and actually go beyond the legal minimum standards. One example is Scania’s Advanced Emergency Braking for Vulnerable Road Users (AEB VRU); instead of just warning that there is a pedestrian in front of the truck, the vehicle also does the actual braking when necessary.

“With this introduction, we open up a digital and connected spectrum that will benefit drivers as well as fleet owners and fleet managers,” added Eduardo Landeo, Product Manager, Scania Trucks. “Smart and safe trucks will bring increased productivity, fewer accidents and safer drivers. The driver will experience that theirs working tool really supports them, providing everything from information about the truck itself and possible hazards to general guidance and their favourite pods with crystal-clear sound.”


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